Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzales, Rumsfeld, Rove - Oh My!

Resignation is a beautiful thing.

However, in politics it can make your stomach churn.

Alberto Gonzales, Carl Rove and who knows how many others help orchestrate perhaps the fastest and most efficient burning of the constitution in American history. I am not sure what disgusts me more - having served for 6 years under Bush in the active duty military or knowing that I failed my own oath of enlistment. I swore to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. However, the 'enemy' that attacked did so through legislation, signing statements, and off-based interpretations that were upheld by the Supreme Court and the Congress.

No, Bush is not completely at fault. Every Congressman and Supreme Court Justice who silently or vocally acquiesced to this neutering of the checks and balances is to blame. And, in the end, I share some blame as well. I was one cog in the machine. Just a regular enlisted guy disgusted by what was happening, but silent as it all transpired. The UCMJ has the teeth to punish those who speak out. And more so then ever before, the Pentagon was biting. I was silent. My enlistment is over now. I am honorably discharged and free to speak my mind.

And quite honestly, I want my country back.

Rove and Gonzales resigning is a single minded strategy, the way I see it. Its simply to try to mitigate any current or further action against them on the grounds that 'He's already resigned, what more do you want?'. Further more, it pulls them out the limelight. Now they can go and work on other projects, with another presidential hopeful.

There is no justice, especially not in politics. Felonies, treason, the deaths of over 300,000 Iraqi's all be overlooked, easily, once a man resigns in politics. And sadly, by Gonzales resigning, the Democratic Congress, getting pushed from all sides to do so much but too crippled, both their own turncoats (Joe Leiberman for instance) and their near 50-50 split with the Republicans, to be able to really accomplish much.

'The One Party - One Voice' Republican Party will always be a tough opponent in Congress. Their near monopoly over television media not-with-standing, it's a simple message they roll out and they get results. The problem is that their results are geared in one direction - a one party nation ruled by a Dictator and a Church.

I am genuinely concerned over the upcoming election. All of the pieces are in place and everything is resting on what party gets the popular vote in 2008.

We are all in danger, and we are walking into the fire even now.

And if you ever wanted better evidence that there is no god, just look to the den of thieves that govern us now using his name. I'd say I am better Christian then most of the politicians in Washington and I don't even believe in god.

'Ignorance is the best armor against logic.'

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