Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Real 'What Would Jesus Do?' List

Jesus Christ, by all means, was a pretty interesting guy.

A Jew who rose up against the conventional elders of the Church and completely re-wrote the book on the requirements for salvation.

He said, above all else, to love your neighbor. Now, meaning this figuratively, he meant that every human being deserved as much love as any member of your family. All humans were equal, according to Christ, even the Gentiles. And, "What you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me."

Oh, how I wish more American Christians actually did this, or even attempted to. The irony is adopting the mantle 'Christ-Like' in America comes commiserate with lots and lots of Hate. Otherwise all of these people wouldn't be Christians, they'd be regular people... agnostics.

Pat Robertson, in June 2005, called for the Assassination of Hugo Chavez after Chavez criticized American policies.

Rep. Vitter of Louisiana admits to calling an escort service and it is alleged that he solicited prostitutes from it.

George W. Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan with the full support of God (ask him, he said so!).

The list goes on and on and on really...

But from the list I have surmised a brief list of 'What would Jesus do?' replies.

When faced with someone who doesn't like him, Jesus would ask his friends or followers to kill him.

When faced with nothing to do for the weekend, Jesus would get a hooker.... one named Mary maybe.

When Jesus's neighbor's son came over killed Jesus's son, he'd go over and kill that boy - and his father for raising him that way.

If Jesus's neighbor was Gay, Jesus would hate him and excomunicate him.

If someone came along and asked Jesus for a dollar, Jesus would flip him the bird and tell him to get a job.

If someone offered to pay Jesus to 'bless his company with more money,' Jesus would ask for a huge donation to his 'Salvation Fund' first.

If Jesus was married, he'd have sex with every woman except his wife - but he wouldn't wear a condom, because Jesus doesn't believe in condoms.


(Sorry for no big brother post... this came up and I had to put it in.... feel free to add your own 'What would Jesus Do?' hypocricies)

Faith Based Blitz

With his appointment by God, President Bush is on a mission to not only empower the presidancy, but also to errode the seperation of Church and State.

First, here's some excellent quotes from Bush:
"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."

"This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while." – George W. Bush

And one from Lt Gen. William Boykin (USAF, formerly my parents Wing Commander when he was a Lt Col., I include since it's relevant, for posterity)
“George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States, he was appointed by God.” - Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin

Now, the problem.

Hein vs. Freedom From Religion Foundation

In a long standing precedant, beginning, really with the Mayflower Pilgrims (who were fleeing religious persecution from England) and later with Roger Williams fleeing Massachusetts and founding Rhode Island there was a definate and standing need to seperate church's from political power.

This need was inacted into the Constitution with intense pressure by James Madison in the phrasing of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . ." in the First Amendment. With the term itself coming from Thomas Jefferson in a letter he wrote discussing the matter.

This was expanded in several instances, but specifically regarding federal funding of churches or church activities by the Supreme Court in 1971 in the Lemon vs. Kurtzman case, when they established these three rules for governments funds going to an organization:

1.) The government's action must have a legitimate secular purpose;

2.) The government's action must not have the primary effect of either advancing or inhibiting religion;

3.) The government's action must not result in an "excessive government entanglement" with religion.

For the last 3 decades this has been consistently interpretted as 'No Government Funding to Overtly Religious Projects or Groups.'

This has changed. Now the Federal government issues grants specifically tailored for religious groups' community events. By literally interpretting these three rules, the right-wing Supreme Court has over turned the long standing precedent and allowed 'Faith Based Initiatives' to be granted federal tax dollars for community projects. The website for grant application is here

I wouldn't have an issue with this, on the surface, except that none of the 'Faith Based Initiative Programs' I have yet seen failed to advertise God, their church, the Bible, Jesus and the whole gambit in the process of conducting their community program. Now my tax dollars aren't just buying soup for s oup kitchen, they're buying a 'Jesus Loves You' banner, pocket bibles, crucifixs and pamphlets too.

Why should my tax dollars be spent to garner members for a church?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzales, Rumsfeld, Rove - Oh My!

Resignation is a beautiful thing.

However, in politics it can make your stomach churn.

Alberto Gonzales, Carl Rove and who knows how many others help orchestrate perhaps the fastest and most efficient burning of the constitution in American history. I am not sure what disgusts me more - having served for 6 years under Bush in the active duty military or knowing that I failed my own oath of enlistment. I swore to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. However, the 'enemy' that attacked did so through legislation, signing statements, and off-based interpretations that were upheld by the Supreme Court and the Congress.

No, Bush is not completely at fault. Every Congressman and Supreme Court Justice who silently or vocally acquiesced to this neutering of the checks and balances is to blame. And, in the end, I share some blame as well. I was one cog in the machine. Just a regular enlisted guy disgusted by what was happening, but silent as it all transpired. The UCMJ has the teeth to punish those who speak out. And more so then ever before, the Pentagon was biting. I was silent. My enlistment is over now. I am honorably discharged and free to speak my mind.

And quite honestly, I want my country back.

Rove and Gonzales resigning is a single minded strategy, the way I see it. Its simply to try to mitigate any current or further action against them on the grounds that 'He's already resigned, what more do you want?'. Further more, it pulls them out the limelight. Now they can go and work on other projects, with another presidential hopeful.

There is no justice, especially not in politics. Felonies, treason, the deaths of over 300,000 Iraqi's all be overlooked, easily, once a man resigns in politics. And sadly, by Gonzales resigning, the Democratic Congress, getting pushed from all sides to do so much but too crippled, both their own turncoats (Joe Leiberman for instance) and their near 50-50 split with the Republicans, to be able to really accomplish much.

'The One Party - One Voice' Republican Party will always be a tough opponent in Congress. Their near monopoly over television media not-with-standing, it's a simple message they roll out and they get results. The problem is that their results are geared in one direction - a one party nation ruled by a Dictator and a Church.

I am genuinely concerned over the upcoming election. All of the pieces are in place and everything is resting on what party gets the popular vote in 2008.

We are all in danger, and we are walking into the fire even now.

And if you ever wanted better evidence that there is no god, just look to the den of thieves that govern us now using his name. I'd say I am better Christian then most of the politicians in Washington and I don't even believe in god.

'Ignorance is the best armor against logic.'

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Statement of Purpose

I have created this blog for a few reasons:

1.) A common place for me to voice my own beliefs and opinions and have meaningful discussion on them.

2.) To give a common ground for people I know now or will met later to post discussion material.

3.) Centralize information I have found and researched and make it easily accessible to anyone who cares to learn about it.

My Beliefs:

There is no god.

I don't care what you believe in. If it makes you happy, I am happy for you, honestly. I am not out to convert you to atheism. I'll discuss religion, sure, any religion for that matter. However, I don't hold any need to see more or less atheists.

I do believe in a secular state. Leave your faith out of my laws.

I believe America is in dire shape today. I believe that a lot has contributed to this and no single solution will fix everything. I hope we, Americans, can pull out of this death spiral soon. I'd hate for my generation to be known as the one that gave birth to the totalitarian state of America.

Frequent Discussion Points:
Religion, Politics, History, Current Events

And always feel free to post comments or email me directly at sacrilegeblog@gmail.com