Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Real 'What Would Jesus Do?' List

Jesus Christ, by all means, was a pretty interesting guy.

A Jew who rose up against the conventional elders of the Church and completely re-wrote the book on the requirements for salvation.

He said, above all else, to love your neighbor. Now, meaning this figuratively, he meant that every human being deserved as much love as any member of your family. All humans were equal, according to Christ, even the Gentiles. And, "What you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me."

Oh, how I wish more American Christians actually did this, or even attempted to. The irony is adopting the mantle 'Christ-Like' in America comes commiserate with lots and lots of Hate. Otherwise all of these people wouldn't be Christians, they'd be regular people... agnostics.

Pat Robertson, in June 2005, called for the Assassination of Hugo Chavez after Chavez criticized American policies.

Rep. Vitter of Louisiana admits to calling an escort service and it is alleged that he solicited prostitutes from it.

George W. Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan with the full support of God (ask him, he said so!).

The list goes on and on and on really...

But from the list I have surmised a brief list of 'What would Jesus do?' replies.

When faced with someone who doesn't like him, Jesus would ask his friends or followers to kill him.

When faced with nothing to do for the weekend, Jesus would get a hooker.... one named Mary maybe.

When Jesus's neighbor's son came over killed Jesus's son, he'd go over and kill that boy - and his father for raising him that way.

If Jesus's neighbor was Gay, Jesus would hate him and excomunicate him.

If someone came along and asked Jesus for a dollar, Jesus would flip him the bird and tell him to get a job.

If someone offered to pay Jesus to 'bless his company with more money,' Jesus would ask for a huge donation to his 'Salvation Fund' first.

If Jesus was married, he'd have sex with every woman except his wife - but he wouldn't wear a condom, because Jesus doesn't believe in condoms.


(Sorry for no big brother post... this came up and I had to put it in.... feel free to add your own 'What would Jesus Do?' hypocricies)

1 comment:

evil ferret of doom said...

its JEBUS get it right!