Saturday, February 21, 2009

What's so special about Obama?

Exactly what the title says: What is the big deal here? Barack Obama's start in the Oval Office doesn't seem all that spectacular - so was everyone out to lunch? Was the media behind him all hype? The reality is - It doesn't really matter if he completely adds up to the hype. The attention, press coverage, and popularity behind his rise to the office will guarantee he has the support of America's majority for quite awhile. It's like a commercial - advertisers aren't trying to make great ads - they are just trying to make you see them. And Barack Obama is the biggest billboard US politics has seen in a long, long time.

When you think about it, it makes sense that he won. The Republicans weren't going to throw a party favorite to the dogs this election (Bush had already thrown a curve ball at their chances for winning). The Democrats come out fighting amongst themselves (as is always the case) and in the end we get Obama. Above all else, this guy can speak. He is the anti-thesis of Bush in image and presentation.

Do I regret voting for him after seeing his relief bill? No. I can't say I like that relief bill - hell, I hate it, really. But if I had voted for McCain, would I have gotten anything different? Not likely, based on his record. And for all of the talk about "Fiscal Responsibility" with Sarah Palin, Alaska did keep the funds for the bridge to nowehere, they just didn't spend them ont hat project. As it happened, those dollars could have been spent employing Americans, instead we have no idea where they went.

Good or bad, this president is going to have a massive impact on America. We're on the verge of collapsing under our national debt, environmental troubles loom, two conflicts persist despite lacking both the manning and the funds to achieve the results America needs. Our politicians have abandoned even concealing their own crimes, flaunting tax evasions and frauds in front of the public. Between an unwillingness to prosecute these politicians and the often exercised presidential pardon, justice has no reach on Capital Hill.

Things look pretty grim and these problems aren't going to be able to be ignored much longer. So, all there is left for us is to wait and see.